This is important if you have a camera with interchangeable lens. It’s essential to know your camera thoroughly, but it’s equally necessary to know your lenses. Using one lens or another depends on the photo shoot you’re going to do.
Low-medium range cameras typically come with at least one lens, and it’s usually a 18-55mm. It’s pretty versatile and widely used for portraits. Personally, I use this one a lot when I go outdoors because it’s all-purpose.
If we want to shoot outdoors, it’s a good option to use a wide angle, since it offers a spectacular view of the location, and we could easily frame the entire doll. I do not recommend using it in portraits, especially in doll’s portraits, because this lens distorts the image and it’s hard to correct it later on the computer (it looks artificial and unnatural).
If we want to create more gimmicky photographs, such as creating bokeh or blurred backgrounds, I recommend a ultra-bright lens or prime lens, in my case I use a 50mm f/1.4. With this lens, portraits look very interesting because using a wide aperture reduces the focused area and then everything looks blurred in the background.
Besides, if there is a back light, it’s very easy to get the bokeh effect.
There are many more types of lenses, such as the zoom or telephoto lens, which also come in initiation packs often. They usually are 75-300mm, and have a very powerful zoom. They can be used to take pictures over long distances, and therefore I do not recommend them for a doll photoshoot, because you’ll need to place the doll far away from the camera.