What made you want to become an illustrator or artist? What did your beginnings look like?
At first, I just thought that drawing was my favorite hobby and I did not expect to become a 2D artist – at least, until 2015, when I began to study the basic digital drawing so that I could show my drawings to other people and friends and have some fun conversations with them. During that period, lots of my friends recognized my talents and motivated me to open my own drawing commission service. I realized that I could develop my artistic career instead of following other careers I was not good at because I felt that the drawing hobby was so affined to me that it was a part of my life. Since that point, I have been determined to become a 2D artist.
Firstly, I began to work for a small game company and I did not have any skills related to drawing so I decided to apply for the company’s internship position, hoping that I could comprehend many basic lessons. However, the company neither provided any lessons nor salary for interns (as expected) so there was quite a bit of struggle for me at that time.
So, after four months of working with the company, where I used most of the time for self-learning experience, I decided to apply my resignation from the company and then joined two basic drawing courses. After finishing them, I stayed at home to continue my practice and to refine and develop my drawing skills. I have worked this way for five years.